Subtitle to Anki Converter

Create Anki flashcards from subtitle files with the most frequent words

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a beta. It works well, but it is not perfect. We are going to add translations for the words and example sentences and fix possible bugs. For now, you can translate it yourself with a tool. After all, now you can automatically create Anki decks for your favorite series.

The top most frequent words to include in your Anki deck

Drag and drop your subtitle file here

or click to browse (SRT or VTT format)

How to import into Anki:

  1. Open Anki on your computer
  2. Click on "File" > "Import"
  3. Select the downloaded TXT file
  4. Make sure the field separator is set to tab:
  5. deck option
  6. Select a notetype of basic
  7. Put this field mapping:
  8. deck option
  9. Click "Import" to add the cards to your collection

Final result:

final result